I bleed when i have sex. Is it commonplace?

I lost my virginity almost a year ago so i know its not a popped cherry thats causing the bleeding. it doesnt come about everytime i have sex, but most of the time it does.

Can orgasm or sexual excitement stop a girl's interval from coming?

most likely it could be that you have need of a little lube, and i'm person serious. if your dry enough, the friction between you and your partner could motive the vaginal wall inside to bleed, BUT then within are also bacterial infections
( chlamydia and gon. ) that could also cause bleeding near intercourse, I dont mean to startle you, try the lube first and if it still happens take home a doctors appt to get screen.

Why is my period almost 3 weeks slowly?

Sometimes yes, it is normal, allthough it cold be immensely serious. Make an appointment with your OBGYN soon. It colb be from plentiful diseases, such as tumors or STD's.

What could be wrong? Please any professionals?

Be gentle it might be sensitive.

Is near a way she can net herself tight again? an operation or something?

I'd say lubrication may be needed. If it is a significant amount, I would see you gyno.


No it's not everyday at all. Please shift and see a doctor.

Is my girlfriend pregnant? PLEASE ANSWER!!?

no, go to a gynocologist and find out the inflict, it may be a cyst or tumor or it could just be that he is to big or too rough.

Does it mete out bladder infections?

This could be caused by tear of the vagina wall or maybe some underlying problem I would vote contact your physician this way you know for sure its better to be undamaging than sorry.

Honest Answer?

you need to see your doctor. Only the doctor can check the facing of your uterus to see if you are having break through bleeding. Break through bleeding is different than spotting. If you are a hormonal birth control it could be vivacity threatening if the lining of the uterus is too gaunt.

URGENT HELP!!pleassse!?

when condom is used and there is not ample lubrication,it causes tear of the vaginal walls,which leads to bleeding,esp.if it is rough sex..previously having sex,bring in sure you are well lubricated.otherwise,if you're not using any other contraceptive methods,i suggest that you see a gynecologist to better assess your health.if at all possible,abstain from engaging within sex until you see the doctor to avoid further complications.

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