Seriously is there anything i can do to start my spell faster!?

seriously things that are helpfull please!

Ok this is a pretty embarrassing give somebody the third degree for me?

No, don't rush it you'll hate it subsequent. Enjoy your childhood. It's a mess and you don't want it.

I wieght 120 pounds and i am 13 teen so what should i do?

Whoa..What's the you are wanting to start your period faster and here I am trying to win back onto birth control to carry it every season..go amount

Untreated yeast infection?


get a clue

No nearby isn't.
get on the pill if you want a shorter cycle.

Should women be informed of adjectives sides of abortion?

Are you on any meds? Do you take Birth control? If so next no you can't. But you could see your Dr and get some Progesterone to induce a time.

Are calcium vitamins ok to take during pregnancy?


I am haunted with women's furry armpits?

why would you want it to come faster? it's a nightmare-trust me! enjoy your child hood, and consider yourself lucky you don't own it yet.

but if you really want to know- if you excersize alot, you will grasp your period latter (not sooner)

Has anyone else felt similar to they were going nuts from taking Yaz? (an existenstial crisis or im going crazy)?

if your discussion about your first interval... trust me girl.. you want it to take its time!! i required it soo bad surrounded by middle school and presently im kicking my self in the butt!! time will give it to u when ur in position..for now of late relax and dont worry b/c within will be plenty of time for all that time of year stuff later!

How long is your immensely first period supposed to ending?

Who cares!You don't want it faster.The longer its gone the better.I'm 12 and started contained by like January.It sucks.I never considered necessary mine it just kinda come.Trust me you don't want it

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