OK. I want to be a stripper or porn star so disappointingly. My parents & BF would disown me. Why do I want to?

This is one reason I love womenanswers.org so much. I can ask complete strangers stuff I could never ask my friends, and I'm afraid to ask my analyst this one.I am 26, female, get through a tough college, have a great boyfriend of 8 years, & a fully clad job singing. I should be getting satisfactory attention, right? Even before I lived within Vegas, I wanted to do this and even tried to win my dancer license in college.Recently,I go to an audition through a reputable agency(they're on RossReports)that ended up human being for soft-core. I'm far from thin, but not hefty, 5'5" 147 lbs.When I was 17, I didn't be paid it back onto my majorette squad b/c one of the bench gave me 0 on appearance clich?? I was "too muscular". All that info get published in the tabloid,except my name, but as you would expect everyone knew who it be, me. Do I feel resembling I need to prove something? That be 9 years ago! Also, a lot of auditions I've gone to lately for classical singing haven't pan out. Could I just be down?

14 and lacking period!?!? WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?

sure, progress ahead if you want a disease or be used and abused.

Cesar operation ? would those with experience surrounded by this help?

Dunno. Maybe. But anyone a stripper or porn actress still wouldn't prove a point. It would only trademark things worse. And there's no going hindmost once your name is sullied. Don't do it.

Why allow stupid child rough up Q's without reporting it?

maybe u r in the wrong profession, i scrounging try singing for different audiences, if u think ur existence is bad presently then try anyone labeled a porn star & see how many job u get later..i say stay away from the XXX & find a clean approach to the career u want

Abnormal Pap?

Well you know what they right to be heard 'If at first you don't succeed try stripping or porn'

After Sex un-able to stand?

I am repeatedly shocked by how FAR my friends will go to correct or prove something that's related to something that go wrong in their youth. Some of these individuals are in their postponed 40's, so it's not just you! Find a mode to connect with your true self. A great and influential way is through yoga and meditation.

QUIET your mind.
KNOW your merit.
FEEL your trust in YOU.

Do these things, and in a minute your love for your art will be enough, and adjectives this crap where you want praise for all the wrong reason will be something you just roll with laughter at, because it will forever be a thing of days gone by.

Peace to you... :)

My boobs are sore?

I think you're imagine being a stripper or porn-star to be abundantly more glamorous than it is. If you need to prove something ot yourself-that you are charming now and general public want to see you naked-then stripper or having sex on tv is not the road to do it. why ruin a great relationship and make your enthusiasm more complicated than it has to be.

is it because you regard as its an easy method to money? because its not. You constantly get bossed around, hold to do everything you are told to do, work pretty sucky hours, and might not get the respect you focus you deserve from the peole who know what you want to do.

Maybe you should check it out first, just to see exactly what you want to achieve into. It might give you a realness check and then you can verbs to better more realistic things? Maybe you are gorgeous very soon and have overcome plentifully and want to make up for lost time.

here are better ways to get attention though.

How several size of breast are they?

stripping and porn is only to prove that you hold the looks but what you need is to love yourself the approach you are and you have to know that if your body be not perfect you would NT enjoy a boy friend for8 years trust me and look inside yourself to find something that is so great and you love that will get you batter good luck!

I haven't have a period surrounded by 4 months, I got sore breasts and i get a hard tummy. Do u ponder I'm pregnant ?

mate don't do that stuff you are to good to be similar to that
if you be a porn star people will thank your basically a bit of you are to good to be resembling that. don't

Anyonehelp please! this is really important?


Girls simply please answer cause i really involve help?

if you're looking to be a porn star or stripper, try some of the internet amateur nude model sites. some of them payment good $$$ for soft to XXX rate porn.

Wouldnt it hurt to enjoy sex for the first time!?

You sound fine to me. According to the BMI calculators, you should be roughly speaking 130, but everyone is built differently.

What I don't understand is WHY do you want to be that? It is degrading to women. I expect men are stupid for going to strip clubs and the strippers are even worse. Why would you want some stranger looking at and touching your body?

I have not gotten my time of year in 34 days i own had intercourse everyday i be wondering if i could be pregnant?

First of all, why do inhabitants put down porn stars or strippers or anyone else in the full-size industry. That's what wrong with individuals in standard. You want to characterized one thing as horrible and others as only fine. Whatever someone does for a living does not make them a desperate person. Come on individuals it is the year 2007. Just because you don't work in the full-grown industry, doesn't make you better than someone who does. As big a D**k as George Bush is, I to some extent see him doing porn than running this country into the ground. OK ... maybe not, but you know what I tight. There are porn stars and strippers with Doctorate degree and then in attendance are Presidents who are dumb asses. So (Bill)? if you really want to be a porn star or stripper go for it. But do it, because that's what you really want to do, not to fix olden problems.

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