Girls lone!!?

Since I was not specific on my first interrogate, well...

I am 13 and sometimes capture little pains on my back and chest. What can this be?

Do condoms lessen the pleasure for women?

For starters, are these pains muscular or do they touch as if they may be your heart/lungs? If you experience one of these pains, press on that area of your chest a bit. If it hurts close to a knife when you do it, consequently it is muscular, not internal. Chances are, at your age, they are what doctors call "growing pains." Basically these are muscle spasms or tightened muscles and they can be sharp, shooting, or simply a dull pain. I have these a lot when I be your age (I'm now close to 30) and they never really did any mar -- they just freaked me out profoundly at the time! The doctor gave me the "growing pains" diagnosis. There really isn't much you can do for them at the time they go off but I would recommend that you start doing some type of stretching exercises on a regular basis to hold your muscles flexible. If the pains are persistent within one area for any length of time, Aleve (naproxen) should lend a hand alleviate the pain, as should a heat heating wad or hot water bottle applied to the nouns. Both help relax your muscles. Another tip would be to not heave or carry things too pouring for you. Good luck!

Are cramps in your sides a adjectives side effect of using the depo-provera shot?

Well since I'm a girl and I had like pains too.I think it only just might be growth pains because you are at that puberty stage.I seriously think that you might want to report your parents and get it checked contained by case its serious.

:] smiles!!

Is my counterbalance ok?

It could be anything
but it is possible that it is your first period
I get mine at 13
anyway, be ready to enjoy them because you never know when they will come
(I got them when I be on a ski trip...)

Is it normal for sex to hurt if you haven't be sexually active for a while?

Chest in swollen breasts? If your breasts are hurting when you accidently brush them against something next you are most likely in the order of to get your time. If the pains in your back are surrounded by the lower back technique the same entry. Lower back pains are unsophisticatedly another form of cramps.

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