Women, what are the best remedies you have for length cramps?
Normal for being on birth concontrol?
pilfer midol or tylenol, lay down with a heat pad or a marine bottle with VERY hot dampen in it, and try to rob a nap. when you get up up they should be better, also warm baths facilitate. =)
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All you need is vitamin k.It will solve you answers.How can you put in the picture what cup size you are? I use sport bras so i cant really tell?
I go on the contraceptive pill and it got rid of them altogether, i would recommend it.Do u similar to to navigate or being navigate upon before dropping the anchor & why?
take lots of ibuprofen coming from a robustness professional its probably not good to share you this but if you have severe cramps which i hold experienced i take 1000mg of ibuprofen..close to advil and maybe a heat pad over your belly area..and a carton of rime cream..feel better!Do stretch results get smaller number icky looking when you lose weight?
If your cramps are that unacceptable...make sure you obtain checked for things like endometriosis, pcos...and things of that sort...but...i use a heat pad, midol...and (if you are dated enough) sex\having an orgasm will relieve the pressure surrounded by your uterus ultimately helping your cramps.Can a woman intercourse during in period ?
Get one of those stick on disposable warmness pads that are made for back, but apply to abdomen, and definately give somebody a lift Aleve or Motrin.heating wipe and tylenol. do something interesting: like watching a movie, to bring your mind of the cramps.
Ibuprofen, chamomile tea, cutting out my brackish intake (which is really hard since I really crave salt during my period), drinking adequate water and heat pads.
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