Yeast infection? Doctors oblige please!?

Okay, I know this will sound really gross, but.I am itching abundantly "down there" and my vaginal discharge is thick and white(they discribe it on some pattern sites as "cottage cheese-like"--eww!--but that is how it is, I'm afraid.) Is this a yeast infection? If so, how can I treat it? When should I see a doctor, and what will the doctor do when I procure there?
Any info would be VERY much appreciated. Thanks!!


IS at hand a website to know the medicaine u are taken?

It sounds like a yeast infection, but since you enjoy never had one you should step to your doctor to get a firm diagnosis. You may requirement to have a pelvic nouns, which can be uncomfortable but not really stinging.

You can treat it with over-the-counter remedies, such as Monistat, Vagistat, Femstat, and others. You hold to insert them into your vagina, which you may have trouble doing, so see your doctor first.

Yeast is not an STD. You can acquire from taking antibiotics, for example. They are very adjectives, and even babies get them, as diaper unwary or oral thrush.

Meanwhile, here are things you can do to help yourself in a minute, and even prevent further infections:

Wipe from front to back after using the toilet.
Wear loose all-cotton clothing and cotton underwear. In reality, wearing a skirt and no underpants is a very dutiful idea if you are comfortable beside it.
Don't use perfumed or deodorant soap, bubble tub, or feminine hygiene spray. If you are very irritated within the vaginal area try using a hypoallergenic cleanser such as Cetaphil.
Don't stay in raining or sweaty clothing.
Eat foods with LIVE lactobacillus acidophilus (usually yogurt).
Drink cranberry liquid.

Good luck!

Should i still be having severe hot flashes up to 50 a year after a complete hyst.ovaries and all?

no one will know it's a yeast infection lacking a thorough exam. you may need STD conducting tests, so don't try to treat it on your own. visit an urgent consideration or Planned Parenthood.

Women or teenage girls:?

Go to the pharmacy & take something called 'Monistat"

Multi Vitamin?

It sounds resembling a yeast infection. This is not a big deal, but you will have a feeling better the earlier you start treatment. Like the other entity that responded, I would recommend you try the monistat 7 that you can buy over the counter for now. If not better in 2-3 days, achieve in to see your doctor. There is as type of bacterial infection (bacterial vaginosis) explicitly not a sexually transmitted disease and can cause similar symptoms.

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