My gf wishes breast implants...I'm jovial the way she is...Should I make clear to her not to?

Real question, unadulterated confused...HELP ME!

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Of course. But I don`t know she isnt doing it for you, shes doing it for herself. If you tell her get sure you tell her contained by a way thats not hurting her morale.

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Just tell her you love the route she is right now and that your not sure you comfortable near breast implants. recount her how you feel..its the best entity you can do.and be honest.

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If you're seriously pleased with her the mode that she is, then obviously you should tell her that. I don't see how that would upset her by you maxim that. And if it does, well, she's a freak.

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absoluty u should report her and convince her not to!

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You should probably tell her not too because you'll be notion two hard sand heaps lol

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It's HER decision, not yours. She may be doing it for reason that have zilch to do with you, so ask her why she is so determined to do this.
Just reassure her that you love her the course she is, and she doesn't need to transformation her appearance for you.

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it's sweet that you approaching her like she is, but it IS her body and she can do what she requests. you could try telling her, but surrounded by the end the decesion is hers.

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How behind the times is she? I would definitely explain to her how you feel. Its her verdict but you should give your input. If she really desires them done and you really don't want her to do it, ask her to wait 6 months or a year and if she still wishes them...well you can cross that bridge when you achieve to it.

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I guess you can't describe her NOT to, but you can tell her how you perceive about it.

It is nice to see a guy who like the natural woman.

Cheers to you.

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I come up with that is incredibly sweet of you to be happy next to her the way she is and you should detail her that. However, some women want implants for their own self symbol and self esteem. Tell her how you feel, but consent to her choose.

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I think u should tolerate her know how u feel give or take a few it, but ultimately, its her choice. If she's doing it for the wrong reasons, afterwards u should try to discourage it, but most of the time women do this to feel better nearly themselves, not for what others will think of them! Let her know that the larger she go in cc's, the more of a risk within is for complications. Good luck!

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yeah. tell her no. they're not tough and most girls do it for guys anyway.

Ummm I'm a teenage girl and i get some questions roughly my breastsadult woman would be nice!!?

Of course you should. Tell her you love her just the mode she is.

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You should! I know beside me, I just support about looking apt for that one special man in my existence. He makes me quality secure next to the way I am, and very soon all the things that I once detested about my body, I presently love. I used to be one of those "feminist" girls that said I wanted to loose shipment or curl my hair "basically for myself and not for anyone else". But the truth was, I really purely wanted to do it for men. If you constantly compliment her and enlighten her that you love her body the way it is.. afterwards she probably will change her mind (if yall are serious). Just focus on making her perceive "secure" and not necessarily persuading her not to. Drop small hints all the time about how much you love the route she is, and do have one serious conversation describing her your true feelings.

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YES YES YES! Tell her not to! You relating her that, will brighten up her entire world. Not to mention boost her self esteem A LOT! Tell her you love her just the method she is and would never ask or expect her to change. that she doesnt stipulation breast implants to impress anyone or cause her happy...she have YOU, why should she need to consideration? If she's doing it for herself, tell her her low self esteem and insecurity is unambiguous and that she needs to work like the confident attractive woman she is inside!

wow that was such bs. if i be a guy, i'd have lately talked my process out of an argument

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well its her body but you could report her that you love her how she is and breast implants would not do anything for her, a moment ago hurt her. tell her that you support her but not this model.

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Oh boy, that's a good question/topic. My best suggestion would be this-

Do some research on breast implants. Find out the risks and concerns. Find out how long it take to recover from the slip surgery itself, what are the precautions, and so on. Get all of that information because you will stipulation it. Trust me. I had to confer a friend of mine out of getting breast implants after seeing my cousin shift through hell because one of her's popped and leaked. My cousin can't even waddle now (she's paralyzed from the waist down) because of adjectives the health complications she go through due to one breast implant popping.

Next bad, sit down with your girlfriend and speak about her why you think that it's a unpromising idea for her to bring back breast implants. If you enjoy printed out documents and have books on how risky implant are, show them to her. Pictures also help too. Explain to her how you touch and how you think it can be a trouble to her if she does get the surgery. I'm sure if you explain to her and agree with her, she will see where on earth you are coming from.

Yes in the end it is her own ruling and her body, but maybe if you agree to her, you might be able to articulate her out of it and save her energy or at least hide away her from a lot of hurt.

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I had thought, worried, studied and researched breast implant for eight years. I had needed bigger breast since the age of 17, I am 37 now. I didn't want them for no other root than for ME..I wanted to quality like a woman and look resembling a woman. So, six months ago I finally did it and I absolutely love them and touch so much better about myself..I have a feeling like a woman and I quality I have something to bestow a man in the bedroom..not a moment ago a 37 year old woman who looks and feel like a 17 year feeble. Keep in mind I did years of research on this procedure..and I researched my surgeon as resourcefully..The best website for this in a wonderful and resourceful website for woman. Tell your gf how you surface but also, find out why she wants implant. Its probably not for you or anyone else other than for her and one and only her..I didn't go too big within size, just ample to where I be comfortable..I look natural and get the impression great and my breast are not hard at adjectives, they feel and look organic, the trick is in the surgeon you choose. I hope this help and I wish you the best of luck.

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