Labia texture?

my labia has a rough type texture to be precise symmetrical (though more so on the right) on both sides. Is this normal? I chew over I've had it for awhile immediately. Are there any glands that are cut of the labia minora that may be this? It isn't the entire labia minora either, it's in the order of halfway between the vaginal crack and the edge of the orifice, smack dab surrounded by the middle. The rough texture isn't hard any, almost like rubbing your tongue but softer. It doesnt look similar to sores or anything but I'm curious if it may be a side effect from the labia stretching over the years?

Ummmm.. (girls only).?

Sounds perfectly everyday to me.

Labia tend to be on the wrinkly side, more so with some women than others--we're not created from a master mold, you know! :-)

If you're really concerned, enjoy your GYN take a look.

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