Clean anal sex?
what should you expect afterwards, i parsimonious, how bad is the verbs up. my boyfriend is great, but i don't want to embarass the hell out of myself.
Answers: never had any problem w/clean up or have to do any kind of special verbs up...the guy will just hold to clean himself up i guess.newly go slow and use lots of lube, its sensitive of an acquired coffee and first its kinda unusual and not so comfortable but its definately pleasureable after you get used to it..only just make sure if he go from anus to vag he cleans up well, you wouldn.t wanna receive a uti or other kind of infection up surrounded by there..perfect luck...
its not bad sphincteroplasty
I expect that guys that like anal sex near their female partner also like guys..
after adjectives what would be the difference...something to think just about..