Why am i so dizzy?!?!?!?

I've been dizzy for a while in a minute but before it be jsut every now and consequently but the past two days i've be dizzy all year. it is to the point when i stand up and almsot fall subsidise down. and then i am jsut dizzy adjectives day. Only meds i pocket is birth control which have be changed 4 times in the finishing 2 years for female justification if anyone can help me out i would love it

Does intake yogurt help beside yeast infections?

Hey babe, have you be eating properly? Sounds resembling B12 deficiency. You involve to increase your intake of B12 rich foods ie: Milk, cheese, eggs, fish, liver, beef, kidney and yeast.

Also manganese foods: nuts, green leafy vegies, peas, beets and egg yolks.

Go and get yourself a worthy multivitamin B complex supplement from the chemist. Just ask the pharmacist to recommend a good one for you. Avoid synthetic tablets, deeply hard to digest.


......... :0)

Im Unsure if it's A Period?

I am not sure but I would enjoy my blood pressure checked

Having sex?

you could have vertigo.... its a virus that make you really dizzy.. or have low blood pressure. check near your dr.

Sex during pregnancy?

Lots of information not given here...but.... how old are you? Does this come to pass when you get up from a sitting or lying position? Is your blood pressure ordinary (120/80)...check this at the drugstore. Are you anemic?...you need to find out the lead to of your dizziness. Sometimes it has to do near your ears...called labrynthitis.....so the best entity to do is make an appt beside your doctor and have him run some blood test to rule out anemia and have him check your ears. THere is medication out nearby for what your problem might be.

Period question!! (:?

you may hold an inner ear infection. You don't necessarily feel it but it will label you so dizzy that you can't stand and sometimes when you are sitting you will still feel dizzy. shift to the doc. he's the only one that can enlighten. If it is this you need antibiotics right away. You could lose your audible range. Otherwise it also might be your blood pressure. That does some rotten things to you too. Time to go and see whats up......doc!
Hope you perceive better.

I have POF. i really want to go and get pregnent but How?

i think u should appropriate the antibiotics bac cause that shounds similar to the prob

Guys have you ever worn womanly underware?

It could be a number of things cause you to become dizzy, such as diabetes, low/high blood pressure, low/high potassium or metabolism, etc. You will need to go and get checked by a doctor or a professional to truly get the answer you are seeking.

What are these stomach cramps?

Umm you might be dried up. Make sure you drink lots of water (half ounce to every pound of body weight)

Fantacize/WISh for doing a sex?

This may nouns funny, but my sister had a friend that be feeling dizzy adjectives the time, and she was suffering from allergies. Get tested for allergies. Allergies can produce really strange symptoms.

I had a babe-in-arms 2 months ago. Everytime I have sex I bleed for weeks after.?

May be your hemoglobin stratum in the blood may be low

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