My period is behind schedule?!?

Ok, my period started when I be in 6th status, I'm in 9th category now. It started out coming every 28 days, until newly about a few months ago afterwards it started to come 24 then it switched to 22 days. Well my extent was due on Monday and I still haven't gotten it. I'm lately wondering why I haven't got it nonetheless. I'm still a virgin. So I don't think in that is anyway I could be pregnant but I'm still worrying that I am. What other reasons could my time of year be late?



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A variety of reason can cause behind time or missed periods. It can be cause from eating disorders, stress, excessive exercise, etc... If you are really worried, the best item for you would be to go to a doctor.

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Please tell me you didn't read aloud that you are a virgin and yet you aren't completely sure whether you could be pregnant or not?

PLEASE bring up to date me you know how women get pregnant??


How could you be pregnant if you're a VIRGIN??AAAACCCKKKKKK!

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your getting elder and your body is still changing . you can dance ask your doctor but i wouldnt worry you"ll be fine newly as long as you dont get pregnant .

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get pro help

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That doesn't nouns like anything serious. It can transport up to five years for a woman's period to become regular, and even afterwards they tend to move around a bit.

If you're a virgin, you're not pregnant. Don't worry nearly that.

Ladies, or ob/gyns, I'm having some problems here..?

Ok. First things first is that if you are a virgin and you are pregnant after someone needs to be have a word with God as he's up to his ancient tricks again. Seriously it could be any number of things, but the main one is that as you are solitary young and your body is freshly getting into it's cycle. Stress can sometimes affect it too and if you are underweight, I must stress though YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT! Have a chat with you Mum as powerfully or a female contributor of your family to straightforwardness your fears

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