Is your gynecologist male or feminine?

Does a woman gynecologist naturally comprehend and relate better to the female body? Your thoughts?

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I have talk to a number of women surrounded by the online support groups I'm part of that own said that they prefer male gyns over a womanly dr. Their thought was that the feminine dr did not understand as okay as the male dr. I've have the opposite problem. I hold had more problems near male gynecologists and when I finally have to have surgery not one and only to diagnose my what turned out to be endometriosis but also the status of that endometriosis later it be a female dr that be involved.

My current gynecologist (been my dr almost 10 years) is female. I carry better results when it comes to my care from my womanly gynecologist.

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Female, it makes me grain more comfortable. I think a womanly relates gyno better. Is a male going to grain empathy when talking almost cramps?

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I've individually always close to my female gyns. The manly gyns I've had be always nice but only didn't seem to "carry it". And they always seem a bit rougher with the exams - one even told me "Oh it doesn't hurt, stop self a baby!"

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I prefer masculine gyn. I had a womanly dr. first, she was considerate of rude, like I couldn't complain of anything. The mannish drs. I've had (one died, immediately I have 2 guys who are partner and were my attendings while I be doing my internship) are wonderful.

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Mine's masculine. I like him, but he doesn't give the impression of being to know women as well as he might come up with he does. On the other hand, I've found feminine gyns to be... I don't know... not thorough enough? It's a tough call for, and I think, honestly, that you'll find correct and bad apples surrounded by both bunches. Settle on someone because of their skill, not their sex.

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Mine's a guy. I be aware of totally at ease beside both male or feminine gynae but i dun tink that it is easier to relate to female gynae. Gynae are trained in their pasture, and my male gynae are no problem more polite, more gentle when doing the check up. Female gynae are thought to be more impatient as shared by my friends. But overall, it is still up to your own comfort zone next to your gynae regardless of their gender.

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My gyno is a manly, he is very professional and know what hes doing, he is pretty much a millionare

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mine is a male i donot trust feminine doctors

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