Anyone has have issues with yaz and long period ?

Started using yaz in nov and since then my spell has be off the first month it come 2 days early afterwards 2 days late this time it come a whole week hasty and sunday will make week 4 on my extent. i have an appt on thursday to see my doc. The solely other thing i be doing is dieting i don't know if that had an affect on me . merely really want to know if anyone experience any of these problem if so what can i expect to hear from my doc about the pill. thanks


when i first started it i be fine the first month though i did experience a long period last something like 12 days but thats because the body have too get used too the tablet, after that i becae into a rythm the subsequent cycle i finish the tablets on the tue an bleed on the thursday then finish the mon / tue when i re pilfer my tablets
you may be finding that you need a different pill, or it could be the evolution in yoru diet

I haven't have my period since March 3rd.(It's my first year).?

I suggest you progress see your doctor, it’s the best thing you can do for your strength.

I am afraid my boobs will sag?

I am concerned in the order of that as well. I missed 2 days from week 2 and I continued to embezzle the pill where I not here off, and I hold been on my term now for almost 2 1/2 weeks. I am going to call my doctor tomorrow (and I would suggest you do the same). Of previous birth controls I hold taken, I have never have this problem, and it worries me. I may even change my birth control regardless.

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