Does anyone know what it is when you own chronic bladder infections?


Steralisation, hysterography, d & c?

See a urologist and have them stick those cold probes up you. It isn't fun but you will seize to see the inside of your bladder!

I 22 and female and only just started having exceedingly explict dreams..How can I stop them?

I had chronic bladder infections as a young person. It was because I be drinking too much soda pop and not enough marine.

Ladies, do you ever get so constantly hungry?

I use to win chronic bladder infections and kidney infections from the age of 3 to 15 and it was do to a 'condition' I be born with. There's a tube that connects your kidneys to your bladder and a 'stopcock that opens and closes the tube to allow fluids from your kidney to travel to your bladder. When you urinate this stopcock is suppose to close so that the fluid which is now urine does not flow rear up into your kidneys. My valves never closed completely so fluid would put a bet on up and cause an infection in my kidneys. I be put on medicine to correct this little problem and finally the problem corrected itself and I don't own to take the drug.
Drinking river and cranberry juice give a hand to flush your kidneys and bladder out.
I would also suggest seeing a urologist. Having constant infections is not healthy and can front to more serious problems and possible surgery.

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