Period Question?!?!?

About how much blood do you lose while you have ur Period?

What does it niggardly when your period comes a week impulsive?

only a few tablespoons if you can believe it! it looks approaching much more though

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not enough to verbs about but i hear 2 tablespoons because most of it is mucus not blood

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you dont lose that much that you will die. It depends on how your flow is that month! if you have your term more then a month an it a weighty flow i would def. see a doctor!

A question something like breast size and implants. Any thoughts?

ehem, who judge how much their flow is in tablespoons? newly be glad that you have it, which routine that you're not pregnant and you're definately a girl. yay. i'm thinking that if you're using the most absorbant pad or tampon or doesn`t matter what and you need to alteration it more than once in a couple might be too much. but have your period cleanses you so lots is appropriate.

Girls.answer if you no this!?

You only lose around 20mls, the rest is mucous and cell.

How long do you have to hang about after a pap smear for a byopsie test?

certain society lose more than others

How Long Can This Go On For?.i want my .?

i would guess a liter. Though for each character it would be different.

Will a current health insurance policy settle up for a breast reduction?

I keep hold of track by how often I enjoy to change my tampon
If you look at the posterior of the tampon box, then you will see how much a tampon can hold
For instance if you coppers your regular size tampon 5 times a day for 3 days later you would have lost 120 grams (assuming that respectively tampon was full)

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