Can Sex prevent a Yeast Infection?

According to this site , it says that :

"Yeast grows within conditions that are less bitter. Yeast infections occur when the vaginal fluids, which are usually mildly caustic, become less sharp. Yeast infections also result from any condition that causes a condense in the ‘good' germs that help keep hold of yeast levels contained by check."

To my point of view the more accidic the vaginal fluids are the smaller quantity chances of contracting a vaginal infection. I have a handle on that vaginal lubrication is acid-like just to impart the sperms a hard time. So i kinda have an ephifany when i realize that if i have more sex next to my girl i might help her prevent her yeast infection (I of late gotta make sure she's in good health lubricated). So what do you guys think, Does sex prevents a yeast infection??

Answers:    Lubricants and sex (ejaculate) can adjust the delicate pH match of the vaginal mucosa which can lead to a yeast infection. The increased roast and moisture associated with sex can also increase the opportunity for yeast to grow contained by the vagina. So even though it sounds good within theory, surrounded by reality have more sex will not prevent your girl from getting a yeast infection. Sorry.
i hope it does cuz i'd make a suitable cure No but if it is already there it will aggravaite it.
haha quit trying to return with more * than you need!!

jk man...ummm i dont know i parsimonious as long as she cleans down there she should be honest, right girls?
No, not at all. Your hypothesis doesnt make sense. No sex will not prevent a Yeast infection surrounded by some cases can make it worse!
Personally I suggest if anything it can cause one. If the conditions of the vagina are already that she's on the verging of getting a yeast infection, I deem that sex just agitiates it and can bring it along quicker. There are some associates who believe that having sex within a way 'rubs' the microbes in, unsophisticatedly causing the yeast infection. The conception is to balance out the vagina and the body to prevent yeast infections, so I don't thinkt head covering making it more acidic is necessarily the answer, a be a foil for between the two needs to be found. I regard it is highly possible you are trying to explanation this out in lay down to have more sex near your girl, which I can understand, BUT I to some extent doubt sex is a preventive measure against yeast infection. Yeast infections can be prevented by wearing dry and verbs panties, keeping the vaginal area verbs.
I don't think that the fluids are caustic "to give sperm a not easy time". Natural selection doesn't work close to that.

I'm pretty sure that sex helps to spread yeast infections, to some extent than minimize them.

I think you are bark up the wrong vagina with this one.
No, in reality, it has the oposite effect. Sex can induce or aggravate a yeast infection. Does your g/f go and get them a lot? A personality should not get more than 3/yr. She could enjoy a severe imbalance central to a syndrome called Candida. Candida Albicans is the yeast that cause yeast infections but it starts in your digestive tract. Anyway, I dont want to bore you bring she might not even get chronic yeast infections but if she does, relate her to look it up.
*yeast infections have zilch to do with man clean... umm I hold never heard of that.
It sounds right to me but.consequently again me and my man have never tried that ourselves.

I dont resembling giving vague answers but... your probably right. You might want to ask someone who know experience then me. lol
Sorry if im notmuch abet
no it does not, matter of reality don't have sex when you enjoy a yeast infection, cuz you will give it to the personage your having sex beside. No.

Nice try tho.

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