Pubic spike?

i think i hold so much pubic hair but i don't know what regular amount is for girl my age. i don't want to shave it but i want to know if i have way more than other females. can another female relieve me out? i am 18 years and i am armenian.

My Hair Loss?

go buy you some trimmers. similar to the men's moustache trimmers, and trim it up a bit. it will also help prevent the tangle and pulling associated with your menstrual cycle too.

When am i gong 2 enjoy my period?

how much do u own really. i got none i dont similar to hair but u cant shave urs. trim it.

I in recent times started Nuvaring. This past Friday be the end of my first full week on it.?

just shave it benevolently haha

hey i got a interrogate that wont open will u answer it plz i realy inevitability answers

Is it normal for me to own tiny Bumps on my areolas?

at least your 18,,,,are you jovial or unhappy,,,you can trim it or not,,,,I myself close to it trimmed in the summer,,,,you know looks great at the seaside.........who cares what others suppose ,,,it's what you think that counts,,,,,,,,,,,,,but what do I know I'm simply a male..

Does this come up to everyone? or just me?

just shave i chew over thats the cleanest way to live not next to a bush

I am getting married on August 25th My periods start on August 24th Is in that anyway I can move it without BC.?

If you hold a spot the size of two hands shave it sour and send it to me incentive a buddy of mine is going bald and he can't afford a legitimate wig.

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