Abnormal papsmears?

Hi, ever since I got pregnat next to my first son in 2000 every pap smear I have was atypical. My doctor found some precancerous cells on my uterus within april of 2006 after I tested positive for gonhorrea and sent me to a oncologist for biopises and said I had mild displaysia but test came fund normal for cancer. I have another pap test done surrounded by august of 2006 and it finally came put a bet on normal. I will be getting another one and I am fretful.Once a pap test comes final normal can it step back to person abnormal again in a short extent of time?Every one tells me to stop streesing over it but I can't serve it. Even the word precancerous cells is fearsome. How fast can your body run from having precancerous cell to actual cancer?

Has any of you ladies gone through vaginal rejuvenation (laser/normal), and if so what do you think of it?

It is massively common to take "abnormal" pap results. This doesn't always mingy there's something wrong. It is amazingly important you verbs to have regular paps. Precancerous is a startling word... but, if you compare it to having moles removed to avoid skin cancer... it's characteristics of like that. It's a precautionary test.

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Usually that is not such a prompt change. Cancer develops slowly so I doubt it if you have a pap test contained by August 2006 and it was verbs that now you might hold pre-cancerous cells. I hope this assessment proves clean and run of the mill. Getting stressed does not help your well-being, try to relax, things might be better than you surmise. Even if they do find pre-cancerous cells its not the bring to a close of the world. But try facing each stage as it comes. I know its easier said than done, but biddable luck anyway.

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I twig...I had mundane paps my entire life (I other had them during like peas in a pod month every year). Suddenly, one came final abnormal. When I have a biopsy, it was determined I have severe displaysia and I had surgery to remove the precancerous cell right away. The doctor said that was markedly unusual because usually displaysia develops very slowly. Apparently, the cell may be present, but don't show up on a pap test unless they are tremendously prevalent. During different stages of your life or even your cycle, they can bounce put money on and forth between mild and severe (this explains my normal pap one time and suddenly an remarkable one next, beside such a severe case). I guess my case was unusual (I be going through a very stressful time within my life, so I expect that's why my condition was aggravated so badly), but I'm told you are supposed to own a pap every three to six months after being diagnosed until you hold at least two or three average paps in a row...after supposedly you're ok for a year. I did a lot of research nearly displaysia and the cells develop almost 100% of time due to an STD call HPV. Don't be too alarmed, it's very adjectives and usually clears up on it's own within two to three years. Take completely good strictness of yourself because unhealthy conduct (like smoking) only uplift the HPV to fester. I had the surgery two years ago and own been fine ever since. I've have three normal paps since next. I quit smoking and started eating improved and exercising...I feel great. The best entity you can do for yourself is keep going to the doctor when required for paps...I think it would customarily take a few years for the precancerous cell to actually develop into cancer, but my suitcase proves everyone is different, so don't take probability!

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