Why am I bleeding when I use my diaphragm?

I am 25 years old, and married beside two kids. I just switched to using a diapragm as my method of birth control. I own only used it almost 4 or 5 times and every time I remove it I notice blood on the diaphragm. I also sometimes experience spot bleeding the subsequent day. I don't enjoy any other problems with it. Why is this scheduled? Do I need to contact my Dr. or stop using the diaphragm?

Is using a tampon close to masterbating?

you are a victim of your doctor's unpromising advice.

The diaphragm have a long history of causing bleeding and internal interfere with - stop using it at once! You didn't really think you could be something resembling that in your body and not suffer any consequences did you?

Whats a vagina?

go to the doctor only just to be safe

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