Help near thick pool liner on the cervix?

I had an ultrasound tues and she said i hold thick bin liner on my cervix, i went to Dr yesterday to receive my results and he said i have 2 budge to gyno. Gyno said there's a 30day lurk for really urgent patients. then i get a call today my appointment is tomorrow? Should i be worried? I've have pain and pain as well as this apparently gluey lining?

I enjoy been really stressed lately and in a minute freeking about person pregnant..?

The only piece I've heard is that the pool liner thickens for pregnancy. I'm not sure if that's relevent to your situation or even a possibility, it's only one of the earliest visible signs (internally) of pregnancy. Calling you in tomorrow may be for a urine or blood theory test to determine as much. Other than that I couldn't say. Good Luck and I hope everything turns out alright.

Edit: Lining of the uterus, I'm not sure if that's what you expected. Why were you have an ultrasound?

To shave or not to shave?

I have never heard of within being any problems associated near a thick pool liner of the cerix. I am curious as to a 30 day lurk for "really urgent patients"...that doesn't make a together lot of sense to me. Really urgent to me means NOW!

I wouldn't verbs yet.

I hold NO self confidence!! Help?

An ultrasound would show a thick bin liner of the uterus. The cervix?? I don't know about that. I've worked contained by Ob-Gyn for 10 years and haven't heard this.

Sometimes this happen when you haven't had a extent in awhile. Making the inside layer in the uterus thicker. Like when individuals go a few months lacking a period, the facing just builds up. Sometimes it can be a sign of a fibroid or cancer (sorry). But that's why a gyno would be the best bet. If you haven't have a period surrounded by awhile OR have really stout periods this may be why the inside layer is thick. That would be my best bet.

All the best!

If adjectives else fails getting you into the gyno, hold your doctors office phone up the gyno and make your appt. Doctor to doctor have more pull!

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