What does it suggest if being alone give you chest pains?

not a fear, more of a saddness

Ladies please relieve! emergency!?

Probably that you're a sort of tense personality, who expresses her emotions (in this valise, loneliness) physically. You might actually own a bit of a phobia of solitude. Some people can hold such severe chest pain when they are stressed that they mistake it for a heart attack!

If it's a big problem for you, you could bargain to a doctor. A lot of these things can be treated with psychiatric help, and in some cases, medication.

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I know something like those pains, my husband is in the military so he's gone all the time. They're anxiety pains. Try to relax when you bring them and drink chamomile tea. Remember, it's all within your head, bargain yourself into knowing it's only impermanent. You can overcome it.

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i agree beside missA

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stress, lonliness can surface in a physical malady. Like one person said it is adjectives in your director, if you believe you can not over come something , you won't but if you believe that you can over come something, then nought at all can stand within your way. Find a track to pump yourself up. I know that sometimes being alone is a drag but really you should relish youself more than anyone. Peace and good luck.

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