HELP! my underarms sweat impressively easily and closely!?

is there a polite deodarant in drugstores to facilitate prevent this? or do you recomend getting a certain prescription one?

Can cervical cancer spread through out your body?

You don't stipulation a need an antiperspirant

No prescription needed

I looked-for to know if it is normal that when i hold sex i dont feel an orgasm.. and why does that begin?

hey thats not a question sorry but i cant answer that

Would using 2 condoms at a time donate better protection from pregnancy from intercourse than 1?

You can get a prescription from your doctor call Drysol. I have used it for years and it works similar to a charm!

I put it on like deodorant in the past bed about 2 times per week and have completely stopped my profuse sweating, which was incredibly embarressing!

I will chariness that this product is extremely high contained by aluminum and some will tell you that aluminum is connected to Alzheimers and some cancers. I don't know that this have been clearly substantiated, but I don't doubt that here may be risks.

I have be trying for a long time to stop using the Drysol for fear of long possession risks, but everytime I stop I sweat so bad that I am embarressed and afraid to work out around nation.

One other suggestion.... if odor is the problem, you might try taking a chlorophyl supplement. Chlorophyll is a natural deodorizer and it works from the inside out. I pilfer 50 mg twice a day and it does facilitate immensely with odor problems!

I get the impression constipated.. what can I do?

try the deodorant dove it pertakes your sweat from coming ouy and leaves u smelling clean and fresh

Is it commonplace to have similar to a pool of water flush out of you when you enjoy an orgasm (female?

Duct tape a big sponge beneath your arms, ring it out every 2 hours.

Can all women squirt when have orgasm or do some hold back because they see it as crushing?

If nothing else works, some are using Botox presently to address hyperhydrosis. If all else fail, some insurance and benefit plans will cover this as it is considered a medical necessity if all other option fail.

Seems drastic but it apparently works particularly well.

How lots ladies here make your husbands / boyfriends buy your maxi pad / tampons?

i just saw and advert in a magazine for prescription strength antiperspirant that they are very soon selling over the counter. it's made by secret i reflect.

High school, still a 32A, 5'1'' how credible is it I'll grow?

my friend is like that and she tryed useing antipersperant from avon and she said it worked

Two hours of daylight long period and Fatigue What could it be?

i have the same problem....try certain-dri. you can gain it at the supermarket and drugstores. you put it on at nightbefore you go to bed: everynight if its really discouraging, everyother if not so fruitless. in the mornig, i only just use a regular dove deodorant, but this really takes prudence of the sweating!! good luck!! term is 5 days late,unenthusiastic result on test,?

Sounds approaching you need to procure a prescrition anti-perspirant. But before doing so, try Certain Dri or Mitchum. There over-the-counter and are supposed to be stronger in strength.

What could I hold?

I have have very upright luck with the Mitchum column of deodorant.

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