Do any other girls have anal mane?

I am a 23/f and not until I was in the order of 19 did I start to have pubic quill up my rear-end. I hate it and it is distinct, not a lot, but moderate amount. Do any other women own this problem? One time I waxed it but I be embarrassed to do so and it hurt. What should I do? Is it everyday for a woman to have pubic anal tresses? Do other women have this? If you do, what do you do just about it?

Have u ever been 2 Holiday World?

Yes adjectives women have it and if they read out they don't it's a lie...I be a CNA and cleaned lots of genitalia. Don't fret if you've been looking at porn or magazine or something that has given you this outline take comfort and knowing that they are wax and usually by professionals.

If it really bothers you just run have it wax at a salon or shave it yourself...hope that helps!

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