How could one with bipolar mood disorder seize a good livelihood?

I have be diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder 2 months ago and my medicine areworking good within me , I should say because I grain better and better each daylight. Of course, I give credit to God who is my greatest Doctor and my Healer! I believe that God uses instruments to restore to health us. I have taken one step at a time. I don't hurry because I don't want to disappoint myself. Few years ago, I hold been surrounded by 3 to 4 businesses but everything failed. I enjoy a good side of it, self good surrounded by designing and production but on the financial side, I am very bleak at it. Knowing just in a minute having bipolar, I hold realized that adjectives of my failures be caused by my syndrome. Now that I am being treated, I am praying for God's guidance so I can be put money on to work or have a business which can comfort my family. I am married beside a very supportive husband who did not disappear me despite of my illness.. I enjoy 2 beautiful children age 11 and 12. Please pass me your encouragements to help me on this concern. Thanks...

For olden times few days I have be having this clear jelly close to discharge. What is this?

People with bipolar disease are able to live everyday happy lives. They can be successful contained by business and their personal life.
However, you enjoy just be diagnosed and are just getting familiar to your medication.
Give yourself a little time to quality better before you dance out and work.
Right now, transport care of your kids (they probably involve extra attention from you after living through your illness) your husband, and yourself.
The best way you can lend a hand your family is to stay okay. Keep taking your meds and don't be so hard on yourself.

What does masturbate tight?

Awesome! I'm really glad you got the proper diagnosis finally. It must enjoy been horrible on those lows. Yes, God is your greatest Doctor. Now that you are foreboding a whole bunch better, and regularly filch your meds, I don't see why you couldn't work, if that is what you really would similar to to do. You will need to determine if you want a proletarian or full-time job. Maybe start out module time. Your decision. It is so awesome that your husband have been so supportive of you thru adjectives of this. Your children are blessed to see that, too. Take care. God bless you.

Please facilitate. Is there any truth to the myth (?) that women hold one more rib than men?

Thanks to God that you are in a minute being treated! I also hold bipolar disorder, and am being treated. I enjoy realized resembling you that a lot of my bygone "mistakes" could be because of the bipolar, but that's not entirely so. I believe that God has other been within for me, he knows my natural life path and anything went wrong surrounded by the past, in that was a drive for it. I have grown tremedously because of my "mistakes" I believe at hand is a purpose for everything in our lives and God will lead you to what you are designed to do. Now that you are being treated and are sensation much better you should try to go rear legs to work. Bipolar is not your fault, God have given it to you for some reason, maybe you could find a job to work within the mental health pasture and help other relatives with your scholarship of design and production. You seem approaching a very nice individual. I know God has apt things for you. Good Luck! Email me if you like.

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