What is PMS and how do you identify it?

How do I know when my girlfriend is going through it? How do I support her?

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idk how u can tell when shes goin through it motivation it depends on the person! but a moment ago be nice to her and dont get silly at anything she might say or do when shes PMSing. bein a girl i know we usuly dont connote anything we say when we r PMSin. lol only just know its hard goin through that every month so basically be sweet to her and stuff...

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Pre-menstrual syndrome. Cramps, bloating, posterior aches, and she'll most expected be moody. Be gentle next to her, maybe confer her a massage or something. Just don't enunciate anything to piss her off haha!

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premenstral syndrome. most women enjoy some degree of going through it.

oh and she'll build you know when it's around...then count on avg 28 days after that. and it'll come about again. and again. and again till she's like 45...and consequently...menopause...but that's a different story.

physical traits: some feel bloated, some attain pain within their stomach due to cramps in the uterus, some times their breasts swell, get tired easily

emotional traits: get irritated easily (because she's premonition crappy), goes through some mood swings, some attain thrown off by it so much that they get the impression down...

as for dealing with it merely know she's going to feel that channel and give her space, but name and ask her how's she's doing and if she needs you to receive her anything. don't EVER talk around sex or a bj - you'll get kill. but this is only from a guy perspective so ask your girlfriend. she'll be likely to tell you bout it. purely do it when she's not going through it. ;)

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