Quivering/punching/flutte... in my lower belly?
Last night I have a quivering kind of fluttering HARD thought on my lower left side. It fluttered, after really fast a bunch of times and after one more time and stopped. Kind of resembling a muscle spasm..........
I highly HIGHLY doubt I'm pregnant and even if I be I would only be 7.5 or 8 weeks. So my request for information is, could something be wrong with my ovaries? Or own you ever felt this in the past? What could it be?
Whats t youngest you know of someone losing there virginty and how long have they gone out?
I have have a twitch in my belly that was strong satisfactory to feel close to a baby kicking. It go away eventually just similar to my eyelid twitches do. If it continues, of course see your doctor, but within my case it be nothing to verbs about.
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could you have be ovulating- I am 23,started having sex at 18 never had a orgasm, what is my problem?
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