Is your bmi between 22-24, please abet??

I am writing a paper on body logo and I am interested in whether you feel you are portly with a body mass index of 22, 23, or 24, even 25. Do you return with told you are fat, what make you think you are grease?. Do you consider a bmi of 22-24 overweight evnthough 25 is medically overweight?. I am interested in women over the age of 25, thanks

I get PMS during, not up to that time, my period?

i am 5,5 140 BMI is 23.3 and i grain really fat. i own a huge but, gut and almost no boobs to make up for it. ethnic group say that i am skiny but i dont ware tight clothes ever so they never enjoy seen me. i also enjoy almost no fat around my wrists and forarms and none around my ankles and calves also none around my d??colletage, well i own a little double chin, but not really. .........o all right i am a teen, sorry, just read that quantity.......

I am was taking birth control the pill, but consequently i stopped like 3 wks after i stopped i get my period and two?

i'm 27 and go from a size3 to a size 18 in 3 years my bmi
be 24 and even though my husband said i was wonderful i knew i be fat and yes i feel it who wouldn't

no clothes that i had would fit i be a wreck but here recently i own taken back control i lost 18.5 pounds within 4 weeks and the weight is still coming past its sell-by date strick diet and hard exercise no sweets no bread to pop not even diet pop salad no dressing zilch fried in grease nothing after 4:30 to drink i'm currenly with within 24 pounds of what i used to weigh and feeling better give or take a few myself so i have to look for a time better to

hope this was some lend a hand to you

I missed my period this month and took heaps tests that come back negativewhat give?!?

I am 39 with a BMI of 24 and I have a feeling fine. I don't feel chubby, although I think I will try to lose a few pounds formerly swimsuit season. I've weighed smaller number and been sickly most of the time. Now I am between sizes 8/10 and it fits me and I look and perceive fine. I think this is the size I am expected to be, as I really was off-colour quite a bit when I be a size 6 in picky. Now, having have a child and nearing 40, I think I look worthy for my age and height (I'm tall).

Hope this help - as a former professor, I think it is a great topic for a composition on body perception. How you feel just about yourself if more important than how others see you. Good luck -

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