Is it possible to NOT have a period when you're on your 7 day break off the pill?


Please help me (ladies only)!?


For instance, if you opt that you want to skip the placebo/sugar pills and go to the subsequent pack, your next few sugar pill weeks you may not take a period.

Or stress could affect it as resourcefully, even on the pill.

Or you could be pregnant.

Or any medications could affect the birth control pills usefulness.

Foul smelling urine?!?

you should always own a period within the 7 day break. This is not truly a true period though because most pills stop an egg from even individual released and if unfertalised would usually lead to a time.The period that you attain whilst on the pill is a break-through bleed.Have you taken all your pills correctly this month? Is at hand any chance you could be pregnant?

Tummy bug?

Yes...if you are pregnant!

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