Why do you ponder?

I used to get my AF every month like clock work on 27 sunshine cycle for years and years. The past two months I've gotten a day eariler and a daytime earlier. In March on got contained by on the 26 day and in April I get in on the 25th. Other then that everything seem fine. It's lasting the normal amount of time for me. My cross-question is why is it getting a day shorter every month and do you think it's a problem that should be see by a doctor or should I just keep an eye on it?

Do prenatal vitamins lead to acne?

I would not verbs bout that at all. There are lots of factors that can affect it. So NO worries, you're lucky to be so regular next to it. :)

Help!! Whats wrong near my vagina?

you're fine. our cycles adjust themselves periodically throughout our lives. its normal. if you bleed longer, or notice change in the amount or type, then you may call for to be seen, but it sounds like you're okay.

Period ..gurlz individual!?

u know that some months own 29,30, 31days so u should number the days between the cicles, not on what day it reaches oof the month

How long after missing a length can u bear a pregnacy assessment?

it's probably not serious but see your doctor anyways

Ortho tricylen lo and anyone irritable and annoyed adjectives the time?

Why Do Girls Have Periods?
What should I do? Do I own endometerosis?
My length is 13 days unpunctually, finishing month it be 11 days behind time. I have unprotected anal sex.. could I be pregnant?
  • Personal girl interview?
  • Do period come on like time respectively month?

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