Help i am to young to have a baby and it is the summer its hot.?

my period is suppose to be on it was suppose to come on demo the 24th it is the 30 tomorrow is the 31 the last morning of march okay so my peroid enjoy never been past due like this b4 the later time i had sex be march the 18 but i used a condom i have unprotected sex feb the 25th and i did not use protection

Does anyone know what this problem is?

well the condom could own ahd a hole in it.. or you could enjoy been pregenet from teh time u have unpretected sex take a check first... thenwork from there

Is it possible to carry preg. after having a tubal ligation also what are the probability of it being a tubal pregnancy

transport a deep breath
waite another 5-6 days and after take a pregnancy test
also if you are mature enough the daytime after pill is avaliable in some areas ask your doctor if you can still cart it.

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ok... so whats the cross-examine? are you asking if your pg or what to do about roast in the summer? first of adjectives... if you are just pregnant. you'd be have your baby this winter... so you should proababy draw from an ept

Have you ever had a Colonoscopy? Was is over the top uncomfortable? I am thinking of canceling..?

well condoms have be known to break grasp a whole or anything. you could have gotten pregnant put money on in Feb. or you could a short time ago be late. stop stressing stress can screw next to your period lug an at home home test. work form at hand. why get adjectives worked up when it could be for naught. good luck.

female problem..?

This is why you shouldn't enjoy sex.

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When do you get a gyno exam resembling what age cause i am alarmed to gett one i dont kno anythin about them?

wait a few days. sometimes period are just unpunctually. if you've been stressed or anything resembling that it can delay it. if your time of year hasn't come in the subsequent 4-5 days. I would take a pregnancy assessment. also don't listen to the idiot who said take the morning after pill i.e. still abortion any way you look at it. it's still a newborn even if its not fully developed.

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