Is it possible to get preg. after having a tubal ligation also what are the odds of it being a tubal pregnancy
I have have my tubes tied for 6 years and havent had a extent now for 3 months so I took a pregnancy check and it came pay for positive. 4 days later I took one and it come back glum.
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if you be 3 months along with a tubal pregnancy you would definetly know. You should see your doctor to be sure and to procure proper prenatal care, especially if you are far along. alot of times the body will reject the ties and sometimes this results surrounded by a return to fertility. alot of times too much scar tissue have built up. you may be pregnant. especially if you had a positive pregnancy trial. A false negative is more promising than a false positive.
Plzzzz help me gving expensive suggestion?
I would go to the doctor to form sure.Yes, it is possible to get pregnant even after you have your tubes tied years ago. I personally own 2 friends that this happened to.
I don't know what the rate of them self tubal pregnancies. My friends weren't. They had terribly healthy babies.
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