Going on the pill?

What tests are done past going on the pill?


No period for 2 months?

Ok, since some race are telling you they do no test. A pap smear is a test. They pocket a swab of the cervical cells and convey it off to be tested. When i get mine, they did a breast exam too. Besides the questions that every doctor asks, that's going on for it. Although it is kinda uncomfortable, it will be over contained by a matter of second.


Generally no tests are done, a few Q&A's and possibly a gyno exam, especially if the patient is young at heart and has of late recently become sexually busy.

Invasive breast cancer?

I just have a general OB exam (internal) be asked a few medical questions (Hi BP etc) a few issues are a risk to the pill and or the pill make it worse. (Smoking)..

Otherwise an OB just give me the 'script after the exam.

Ive missed 2 pills very soon im bleeding??

None really. Your doctor will usually insist on you having a pap smear beforehand but sometimes if you can't obtain in for the exam they will run ahead and give you the pill.

Just remember the pill isn't other effective and can't protect you against diseases. When I be on it, it made my periods worse, which is really unusual but a risk, and I was extremely moody.

This may nouns silly, but is there a opening to make a womanly's period shorten?

before i go on the pill, i got checked for everything. breast check-up, pap-smear, even a pee exam! i think its a great conception before you start the pill.

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