Need some advice (girls only please!)?

My gf just get a job where on earth she is on her feet contained by dress shoes for 6-10 hours a day she comes home day after day with sore foot what can I do to relieve the sorness in her foot and in her final? Maybe some stories of how you relieved the pain or simply anything I can do to help.

Serious Question for girls.?

You're great!! What a thoughtful boyfriend. . .

Orthotics are a great (but expensive) thought. Long-term standing in heels, though, can damage not just your feet (toes start to travel in odd directions), but also your back. I strongly recommend that she cooperate to an orthopedist (sp?) if she plans to stay at this job.

Short possession, soaking her feet contained by a warm dampen and epsom salt solution will sustain ease the discomfort. She should also consider sleeping with a pillow below her feet at dark to ease any swelling and draw from the blood flowing back the right direction after a daylight on her feet contained by heels. Dr. Scholls and some other companies make gel inserts that you can place in big heels -- they cushion the ball of your foot where on earth the weight is distributed. Getting a wipe (for her back) sometimes will also help beside pain guidance. But these are all short-term solutions -- for a long-term one, she requirements to see a doctor about getting orthotics.

You're a legitimate peach for thinking about her! Good luck.

I suppose I have tss?

Have her be in motion to a shoe maker and hold the perfect couple of shoes made so that her weight is evenly distrubted and her spine is not out of allingment.

PMS, age 45 stories please?

you are oh so sweet

Has anyone have a breast augmentation and what was the outcome.?

Soak her foot in reheat water afterwards give her a foot mould with lotion.

Will this be okay to smoke?

She should catch gel inserts to start. Those will help next to sore feet. Just permit her relax when she gets home and bring back a water massager for her foot.

I might be about 6 week pregnant can me cleaningthe kitchen beside ammonia can make me loose it or something ?

foot massage can never hurt, but if you're looking for a more permenant solution, get botox injections in your heels. you won't perceive the pain nor the pressure the soaring heels put on your feet. seriously.

What do you contemplate girls will think?

Massage, foot and back. Also, cart her shopping for lower heeled shoes. You can find dress shoes with low heels.

Lately I own had no motivationI used to verbs so much, and be pumped for workwhat could it be?

Have her soak her whole body contained by Epson Salts. It relaxes your muscles and your bones.

I have be taking generic Ortho-Tri-Cyclin for about 2 years presently?

first of all agree to me say this is so sweet. your a compassionate guy and i wish within was more close to you...
but anyways my mom had a duty like that..she have bed knees in the first place but the career made it worse. but when she got alot of niggle she would take a long long thaw bath and rest as much as possible. I know they hold like bake pads for back and feet and stuff. but i hope her employment gets better! and gratitude for being so sweet nearly it!

33 weeks and had an ultrasound saw that my babys team leader is pretty big and im really small will i need a c-sec?

You are what a boyfriend wishes to be. Anyways, see if you can help her find comfortable dress shoes or catch her gel insoles. Also, ice pack REALLY help along near warm river soaks that have some fragrance salt in them.

Has anyone tried the today sponge?

Every woman loves a manipulate... You could also buy her one of those machines that massages her foot or a heated foot bath.

i have not had my cycle for awhile, due to the ortho evra patch,?

You should run a bubble hip bath for her to relax her whole body,while shes within the tub give her a soothing grease massage,and when she get out of the bath provide her a foot massage while asking her something like her day. trust me she'll soak up it.

good luck
hold fun!

Recent hot flashes?

Run her a nice hot bath, and when she get out of the bath, afford her a good foot press, and back manipulate. she will love you for it, and it will help beside the sorness in her foot and back.

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