When does puberty usually end for girls?

I will be seventeen in four months and nought about my body have changed. Anyways, what is the average age for puberty to end for girls? (Rude comments will be disregarded.)

A cupple of very considerable questions here!?

yea its usually around 17-19

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Getting off birth control (sorry, I know I in recent times asked, I wanted to clarify)?

I deliberate it's either 18 or 19. It's possible for it to back at seventeen, but I don't no anybody who stopped at that age. Don't worry, purely a bit left to step!

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It all depends on your body type. For the average girl it stops at 18 to 21 thats how the age for adults come around. But if you havent changed yet it may be much latter. One girl i know of was around 25 back she started puberty, she developed breasts and got her term,but not before afterwards. So it will come some day.

How hoary were you when you first started wearing tampons.?

LOL, puberty never ends! No, sorry, what I have it in mind is, hormones will never leave you be. You enjoy an entire life's worth of mood swings and weightiness gain and loss to look forward to. I was a tardy bloomer, though, so I can sympathize with you. I get my first period at 16, and have my breasts finally grow from an A cup to a C cup in my softmore year in high college, well, they be done growing by my junior year. Don't worry in the order of when it's going to happen. When it does, it does. Look at it this style...if your body isn't interested in sex yet, you're lucky approaching I was. I have three friends that got pregnant surrounded by high college and two others that contracted STDs in their freshman year. Most the others get Mono from kissing strangers at parties. Me? Nothing. I wait til I was 21 to lose the big "V". Now, I'm 27, and live blissfully with my fiance and our daughter. I don't feel I missed out on anything. You won't either. Your duration will progress the way it is supposed to.


Puberty should start not latter than age 16 and should go on for 4 - 5 years.

When you vote nothing going on for your body has changed, I cart it that you mean your breasts hold not budded, your periods own not started and you have no pubic or armpit pelt.

If no signs appear in the subsequent four months it would be a good opinion to visit a doctor as near are various conditions which can result in a failure of run of the mill puberty.

If you have pubic, armpit, leg or moustache down appearing, but nothing else, after you should visit your doctor very soon, as it can indicate the condition PAIS.

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