Womens problems...?

I used to have the contraceptive injection (depo provera i presume its called) for about a year. It last for three month, so my final injection was belatedly November, and it run out February. My periods stopped while I be on the injection, which is normal but they still havent returned. why is this and is it regular?

Anybody get sick from taking hormones?

I be on the Depo for a year and a half.. after i come off it i didnt enjoy a period for 12months afterwards all of a sudden i be on an off for 6months.

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Even if you arent intrested in one on the shot anymore you still need to keep hold of your health contemplation provider up to date on the issue! So I would call at the earlyest conveniance. Also if you do own sex then you could be pregnant. Just variety an appointment and discuss a new BC if you dont want to verbs the shots.

Good luck & God Bless

Do you have any tips for preventing yeast infections?

its common i got one injection and bleed for six months and another time i have only two injection and bleed for four months straight and the out her four i didn't bleed at adjectives

Can it truly be.?

I have talk to other women who have done Depo-Provera and they said that for them it took give or take a few a year to have their extent come back.

I would move about ahead and double check with the dr to be on the locked side.

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As far as I know it takes reasonably a while to leave your system entirely. I enjoy been taking the pill for seven years and hold had a few problems near different pills causing depression, solidity gain etc. I asked my doctor obout the injection and she said it was a bleak idea for me as if it cause a bad antipathy it would take much longer for it to will my system than the pill so that may be the case near you, that it hasn't totally left your system on the other hand. I'd contact your doctor to verify that.


it can take from 6 months to a year for your period to get backbone to normal after stopping it, something to do near the hormone levels.

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