Has anyone else had a bad experience with Nuva Ring?
I got on it smaller amount than a year ago because I was have a hard time remembering to lug the pill and the GYN recommended it for its low dose of hormones.
Since then, I've gain about 10 pounds! I have started taking a twice weekly exercise class around that time too (I never exercised before) so I thought if anything, I would lose weight. It never occured to me that it might be the ring because it say it has such a low dose of hormones. I'd close to to go completely sour BC but I'm on it for terrible cramps.
Please answer simply if you've had a BAD experience or know someone who have.
where can I find polarized nonsunglasses for light sensitive eyes similar to mine?
I have be on it twice because of recommendations by my Gyn. The first time I one and only used it one month because it was mortified. The second time I used it for two months before I started getting particularly depressed and gained 5 pounds. I am on depo sub Q which is low dose and I use it to oblige my endometriosis. So far it has be the best birth control I've been on.