Purple lump on friend?
my friend has a big purple lump to be precise oozing puss on her back. what could it be? should i stay away from her? please backing. it is rapidly enlarge every day i see her at conservatory. it is really grossing me out.
Make her be in motion see a doctor...unless she already has. If she doesn't, share her parents...anonymously.
its just a boil it ll budge away she should get some to squeeze the rest of that pus out of it for her and put some alcohol on it and verbs it up you don't have to stay away from her you wont lock in it they are nasty though
seriously this is really serious.. if it's a big purple lump and it's constantly varying she really needs to travel see a doctor because there's a break it could be cancer they need to see whether it is malignant(cancerous) or non-malignant (non-cancerous). That's what she should do so you should really reach a deal to her and get her to see a doctor as soon as possible because it could be cancerous
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