My belly hurts...should I try Tums or try to sleep it off?


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What kind of dull pain is it? Does it feel approaching you need to defecate? Can you endorse gas? If you can't pass gas or is haven't a harder time than usual, you probably have gas and tums may probably work. Otherwise try Peptid AC (and I sympatize 'cos it really really hurts).

If the agony is located in your lower belly near your pelvic nouns, you may have cramps. Then you might want to do an Advil, and try to sleep it bad.

If you still experience pain contained by the morning, and/or nothing seem to work, you should most definitely see the doctor.

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depends on what you mull over started it

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Neither go 2 the doctors if it save huting but 4 now use tumbs

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If you try to sleep it bad and you can't do it try Tums

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go for the tums! i can't hurt

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you should try tums before you jump to bed. if it hurts in the middle of the hours of darkness, drink some warm milk and try going to the bathroom. it might only be gas.

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Why does it hurt? Sleep what off? If you own been drinking, prepare to throw up! -- Try to avoid the baby grand -- . If not, try room temperature ginger ale and saltine crackers. They'll settle your stomach.

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Unfortunately when I exercise, which is rather a bit, I get an upset stomach and I rob Tums...I'm probably making it worse but I don't think taking it once will hurt to try...unless it be something like appendicitis

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I would run tums, and then lug a nap.

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