Im embarrased to describe my Dad i started and i enjoy to receive my pad!?

well i started my period but this be a year back and i told him were i first started but he have a bad memory and forgoten and now im embarassed to let somebody know him when i need my supplies and occasionally he we will walk olden them and he will say do you need any of these and im never on it at the time and im still embarrased to speak yeah and well im not sure how to tell him? and i own to because i live with him and he buys the stuff and to make it worse ive have a year of pads and i want tampons im 13 btw

Answers:    just buy them yourself. Take one of your closest girlfriends out near you to buy some. When you get home, put it in the washroom where on earth you normally keep your "supplies". I'm pretty sure a guy wouldn't travel up to you and say "why didn't you ask me to get you some tampons?" lol. If i be a guy, i would find it rather awkward buying "girl supplies"..
I know how you feel. It is really discomfited asking your Dad to buy you some pads or tampons. I would ask your Dad if it would be okay if he gave you the money so that you could buy these things for yourself contained by advance. Like could he give you $5 per month so you can hoof it to the drugstore and get them? You don't have to mention that you want to wear tampons. Just explain to him that you want to a little money to buy your feminine products and then start buying tampons. Also communicate him it makes you feel mortified to have to have him buy them for you. Well most credible she doesn't live with her mom, that's her issue.

It is a normal item for girls, I am sure your dad is expecting it to happen, the first time you tell him it will be alittle embarrasing but after that it should be no big promise. Maybe you can ask him to give you the money for it and purchase it your self, just draw together him after you are both done shopping..
even when you're not on and he asks if you need them, get them because the time will come when you will necessitate them. when you're gettin your stuff, load up on whatever you want/need. he's a guy, he won't recount you "you don't need pads AND tampons" because there's no passageway he'd know lol. and don't be embarrassed about it, it's a certainty of life, females have period. hun if you're embarassed to tell your dad you need pad or tampons just ask him to take you to the store n ask for close to $10 go in and buy them n he could stay within the car. or just speak about him you need "lady supplies" he'll grasp the hint n prolly just continue in the car while you seize them.honestly i use to make my dad buy it for me lol.
he should understand..
If your impression a little awkward, ask a close friend's mom to buy them for you or ask her to take you.

You could other ask your dad for money and go inside the store yourself without him too.

But, in that is always the option of in recent times telling him you need them. Sure, it will be awkward, but it adjectives has to be said sometime. There is no avoiding it. Just be like, "Hey, I involve to stock up on some "femine" items if you get my drift dad.."

That'll click with him I'm sure..
Well if he ever asks you again, freshly tell him yes. He'll find out eventually, and it's unavoidable even if it's mortifying. Sorry. ;) Or next time you're there, of late tell him you have to bring some items for girl problems or something, and meet him at the front of the store. He'll get the picture. Yes, you definitly want tampons. I'm 13 as capably, and I started using them a month or two ago for vacation. Awesome. :)

Just wondering, unless you don't want to tell me, where on earth is your mother in this sitchuation?

Good luck!!.
Being embarrassed to bring up to date something that simple is silly... Come on girl he is your father! He would know about pads, wouldn't he? After adjectives boys do have to learn in the region of these things when they are going to marry!
If you are embarrasses then better walk to your mom, and if she is not there, why not go to the store yourself? You should be smart plenty to do that when you are thirteen... Hope this helps I have one and the same prob... i am comf. with it now, but resembling u, it was hard for me contained by the beggining... here are a few suggestions and some of the things i did

(1) go and buy some urself (ride a bike or get a ride from someone)

(2) elder sibs.

(3) maybe one of your dads female freinds that you know and perceive comfertable with.
make up an excuse to dance grocery shopping with him and just detail him you are gonna get something and go rotten on your own. when you come back just put it surrounded by the cart. he will be too manly/embarrassed to ask any questions contained by the store so he will just buy them. buy a bigger box or enough to final a while. just pick it up and put it in the pushcart that way he does not have to ask and you do not enjoy to answer, more than likely he will not pay attention to what they are he is a man and will not discern if they are pads or tampons.
Just go to the shop beside him and pick them up, maybe pick up some other stuff to make it smaller quantity noticible, like deo or something. Im 13 too, its easier just to read aloud. it would be more embarissing if you had an incodent where you didnt enjoy any! xxxxxxxxx Buy them yourself? or next time hes at the store pick some up anyways just to enjoy for when you start. or talk to a close female familial friend or a frineds mother or someone who you are close with, and this conversation would be less embarassing to hold. .
im in the same situation, ably what i do is when me and my dad go to the store together, and ill utter i have to go find some "ladie items".
or i will say i'll be right back and put some pad in the cart.

suitable luck, hope i helped..
Just tell him. Don't be embarrased. Whenever I'm within a bitchy mood and my dad gets on my case going on for it, I just simply say, you try bleeding out of your vagina and see how you resembling it. Really shuts him up. You don't need to be on it to get supplies. Just ask to shift to the store and get what you need..
Just stir up to him and be like hey daddio My monthygift is here and i need some suplize or a moment ago email him if ur not comfortable and tell him not to talk in the order of it out side of the computer

HOPE i helped.
well idk wht i would do surrounded by that situation but heres a solution go to and they have free stuff and they can transport you some good luck :) just articulate dad i need pads.
its a girl item
its normal.
Just tell him how bout you jump to the store with him?.
why not tell ur mom? OK hun, as your dad, he know very well what your going through, I infer you may be embarrased by it all, but he knows, and he wont articulate anything. Your not the first "woman" he has had to cope beside on this issue, I hope that eases your mind a little.
I hold a step daughter, and it does not embarrass her to ask me about that issue, she knows her mom deal with it as well, adjectives men know about this hun, its not a secret ok. You could other just ask him for the money and tell him your aunt flo is within town, he will get it~ then you can return with them on your own at the store.

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