STD? or not to STD?

okay.. so my hag confided in me that she think she may have an STD although she really have no reason to reflect she does.. she is sexually active but.. her bf and her are verbs and they've been together for a while and shes not permiscious.. anyway, she looked-for me to ask the girls out there if they've ever gotten a pimple or something similar on the jaws of there vag. she showed me and it did look close to a pimple and she later told me she popped it approaching a pimple.. but i wanted to label sure it was conventional otherwise im dragging her to the clinic right away.. this is a very serious sound out, i know it sounds kind of gross but she is approaching my lil' sis and i want to take caution of her. thanks!

Two days ofb birth control pills and I am already foreboding the side effects? Libido disappeared?

I've had a couple, truly went to the doctor for one because it hurt so discouraging (and the treatment hurt worse)...but they weren't an STD. I think the doctor call them "sebaceous cysts." Tell her wearing cotton undies for a few days helps it treat faster. If she's really worried, though, she should go to her gyno of late to be safe.

herbal alternatives?

maybe it's an ingrown down. go to the doctor anyway.

If you own sex with a guy and he doesn't climax does it be set to he didn't like you?

Don't transport a chance next to this stuff. Whenever in doubt, go and get tested. It's the only style to have peace of mind.

Where do you get to have contraceptive coil out,doctor or local ancestral plannin clinic?

Disgusting! I've never had a pimple...(Down there) Call a dr. or dance to a clinic.

What's my body shape?

ok, that is so wierd that you looked at your sisters stuff!
but no its not regular!

P.m.s. question?

If she she shaves or wax it could be an ingrown hair... if she is that paranoid turn check it out.

If it looks infected or a another color than pinkish or looks puss-y, like more than a moment ago a regular pimple as would be on the face. It's probably nil to get her panties surrounded by a ruffle.

Can u get brusised or ripped contained by the vagina area from sex.?

yes, women can procure ingrown hairs, infected fleece follicles, infected pores down there. they will pop approaching pimples, and be very rough. but, they often jump away on their own.
things to worry in the region of would be if it were a cluster of blisters, or did not pop. we normally get paranoid or get the impression worried or guilty because of past sexual engagements - which turn out to be nothing. such as the "could i be pregnant" cross-question which gets a girl freaked out for 3 days and afterwards she gets her extent.

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