How common is for a healthy woman to die of a heart-attack during child-birth?

Hello! I just found yesterday, that a friend die while giving birth to a child. She be in her unsettled 20's. She was a clean young woman. How common is for a in shape woman to die of a heart-attack during child-birth?

Please I need honest answers. I don't necessitate jokes or dumb answers. All I am asking show alittle respect. Thanks!

Excessive perspiration?

it is in truth quite unusual for something to like that to jolly. It is likely that she be NOT as healthy as you and everyone thought she be. She may have have hidden heart problems that be further intensified by labour. Problems during childbirth are, inopportunely, not that rare in essence. Many things can go wrong next to regards to the mother, child or both. They can be the blemish of the doctor, a reaction to medication, or an act of God. I'm particularly sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope that doctor's were at smallest able to hide away her child so all does not seem to be to have happen for nothing. best wishes to her family connections and to you.

Help please! i dont know whats happening?

That's crazy...I'm sorry for your friend's demise. Ive actually never hear of a woman dying while giving birth from a heart attack. I would assume she must have have underlying heart problems. I have hear of women dying from an anuerysm-vessels in head popping from so much straining while pushing. I would utter to do some research on it.

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A heart attack , or death from other cause can come about instantly, withour regard to one's health. There are various cases where a seemingly strength peopson just keels over and dies for no idea.

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If there is no underlying heart problems that hasn't be found and the lady is otherwise hygienic the chances of have a heart attack is very, extremely low.

Most women that are younger and healthy that enjoy heart attack's have blood clot's that they own developed in their leg's or some place during pregnancy and those clot's break lose and run to their heart/brain during labor or after labor cause a heart attack. One of my friend's passed away 3 days after giving birth to her baby within November from a blood clot going to her heart.

However this is not what usually happens and is exceptional.

The urge to urinate??

It is very singular, it almost never happens. She may hold had a heart malfunction that went undiagnosed adjectives her life. Sorry to hear something like your friend.

Appendix x..?

I don't think its adjectives that common. My mother have a heart attack when she was have my little brother, (she's still with us happily!) but it turned out she was allergic to a medication used for inducing labor. Maybe your friend (God bless and rest her soul) have something like that appear to her?

BIG problem!?

It's extremely uncommon at present for healthy women to die within childbirth for any reason.
I would be interested in audible range if she was on medication or what childbirth-related treatments she was undergo. I don't know if those might be related.
My condolences to you and your friend's family. Did her child survive?

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