Am i normal?

ummm.iv recently started to lose freight really fast. iv lost lyk 4 kgz surrounded by 12 dayz. i dunno. im not exercising or anything. im a junk food user. so things shud b the other way round. also, iv started sprouting abundantly of hair on my facade. wut do i do? im not worried for the weight loss cuz i used to be overweight and very soon only 2 kgz from my aim weight. but the coat? is there something wrong beside me?? has it get something to do with person a teenager or something?


Is in that anything from my kitchen, I could use to get rid of black circles?

You should walk to see your doctor. He will probably tell you that you involve to have a blood trial. There is a disease called "Hirsutism" that results from the pituitary or adrenal glands. It also my be inherent or can be from medications. See your doctor for this and he will know how to help you.

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i does't come up with so that u r normal

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Yes it's called puberty soon you will grow a huge dwarf beard and be similar to everyone else have a correct day.

Can you still procure PMT after a hysterectomy?

I would go to the doctor and hold some blood work done. You may have an inequity in your hormone level. Good luck to you

If your tubes come untied, can you physically feel it?

wth?i tink u get some food disorders,ii tink is anorexia.

I need more vim what Vitamins do you suggest?

Look, please don't take likelihood, with form issues. Why don't you consult a good medical professional?

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Due to sudden weight loss your body go into a state of shock and produces the fine downy hairs you would hold, its a natural hostile response to keep our body thaw as loss of fat mechanism loss of insulation for your boday. I know it sounds silly but it is true.

Have you tried a "chillow" (pillow.) ? Would you reccommend it?

No, you're an Angel;) LOL just kid, yes you're as normal as any other human mortal, and the hair growth is most imagined related to your gene pool, as well as untaught adolescent chemistry devolution occurring due to your age...

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Growing hair adjectives over your body, is one of the signs of anorexia! So I would be worried. Especially since you have lost allot of substance. Becareful anorexia can cause irrepairable interrupt to your organs and bones, especially bones. You don't want to go through the backache of arthritis when your a little elder, like 5-10 years down the road...thats worse than have a little solidity on. At least near the weight you can move minus pain. Remember that doesn`t matter what you do to your body when your younger, does affect your body when your older. Take supervision of it, there is no replacement parts.

What am i?

It could be puberty, but you may enjoy a hormone imbalance.
Go and see your doctor to check everything is OK.

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