Cramps when I run?

Yesterday in gym class we run a mile. This is not the first time this happened to me, but after just about 2-3 mins. I got this cramp contained by the left side of my stomach. (P.s. it have nothing to do beside my period)
I asked my gym teacher, and she refered to it as "stiches?" she said I am breathing one and only threw my mouth and not useing my nose and specifically causeing this. She told me how to breath correctly when running but I forget what she said. Can someone tell me if she is right more or less what this is? And why do I get it? How can I prevent it?

Im trying to draw from into great physical shape so any info whould be great! (P.s. Im not fat but I still want to be without fault fit or at least as close as I can gain to it and I cant do that we this frickin cramp I get!)

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your gym professor was correct !
Breath thru your feeler and out your mouth.

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start doing situps and crunches every year before conservatory. Learn to breathe properly like the gym don said. In your nose and out your mouth. You will catch there...perfect luck!

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she's right - its a stitch... usually it happen when you run/walk fast after intake, but i guess it can happen any time. im not sure roughly speaking the whole breathing thing, but a hurried way to bring back rid of a stitch is to stretch up, then bend down and touch your toes 3 times and the backache will go! it hurts the first couple of times you stretch up, but it works - i've tried it!

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