Is it true that lunges help burn fat on your thighs?

My mom says it is but I a short time ago want more opinions. =]


Are stretch results really unattractive?

No. Lunges will serve you burn fat, and they will strengthen your legs, but it is impossible to target corpulent in one specific nouns of the body. If you want to lose fat, you'll own to lose overall body fat.

A pound of rotund equals 3,500 calories. To lose one pound a week you will need to expend 3,500 more calories than you chomp through that week, whether through increased activity or decrease eating or both.

Experts agree that to lose cargo you need to exercise for at smallest 30 minutes at 60%-70% of your Max Heart Rate (MHR). A simple way to figure MHR is 220 minus your age. So if you’re 45 years old, for example, your MHR would be 220-45=175. 60% of 175 is 105, and 70% of 175 is 122.5. So you should exercise day after day for 30 minutes at a heart rate between 105 and 123.

You don’t need optional equipment—infomercial products like the Ab Lounger, Sauna Belt, etc. are adjectives worthless gimmicks so don’t throw away your money.

Eat breakfast, and eat five small meal per day instead of three big meal. If you don't wake up hungry, then you ate too much the year before. Stop ingestion at least two hours in the past you go to bed. Cut support on the foods you eat beside high heavy and high sugar content. Eat individual single servings (read the label) with smaller quantity than 3 grams trans fat and 3 grams sugars. Become familiarized with websites resembling that contain good information on what to put away, including supplements.

Don't consume alcohol—alcohol is nothing more than useless calories with no nutritional pro. Some people will argue that alcohol have some health benefits when consumed surrounded by moderation—I’m not debating that—but we’re talking roughly speaking weight loss here. Lay bad the booze if you want to lose the belly.

Drink lots of water, later drink more. Not tea, not Gatorade, not milk. Water. If your urine isn’t almost clear, you need to drink more hose.

Weird period?


Hello ! I notice a lump ( small ball shape ) within the upper inside of my vagina what could this be?

It will help tone up but you can not spot shrink fat surrounded by specific spots or areas. Your fat cell shrink and expand all together adjectives over your body. When you loose you will shrink all hefty cells.

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You should ALWAYS listen to your mom(LOL). She is right!Squats relief to.

It seems as if I enjoy had two period in like month ..?

Yes...and they can help tone the at the back!

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Nope. Sorry, mom, spot running down is a myth. No matter what fragment of your body you exercise, fat comes from somewhere your body feels close to taking it.

i haven't got my period y?

ew fat thighs are gross

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