Is it a bad think if I am 14 and havn't had my period?


y do i feel similar to this?

No - you're probably just a behind bloomer. Have you developed breasts & pubic/underarm/leg hair? If the answer to those be yes, then in that's nothing peculiar going on.
If however you've not started pubescent development, afterwards you should probably have an appointment programmed with your doctor.

If you don't go and get your period by your 16th birthday, you might want to own that evaluated as well.

What is wrong near me?

you shouldn't worry in the region of it till your 18 !! a friend of mine got it when she be 16 ! so don't worry just about it :)

How do I remove the blood on my underwear?

Consider yourself lucky. I started at age 11. <sigh> Seriously, some gals don't start til age 16 or so, especially if then or athletic, or if it runs surrounded by their families.


No it isnt. Everyone is different. All my friends daughters started their period at different ages. It'll come soon enough pet, be spot on of that. Please dont worry, of late be glad!

Menopause/thyroid problems?

Nope, not at all. I didn't achieve mine till I was 16. Its a distress, dont be in a hurry to win it!

FOR THE DOCTORS: Ive got the yeast infection of late two days ago. what do you think would i do best to cure it?

No, it is run of the mill for some girls to not start until later on into thier elder teenage years. You are fine.

Why won't my breast grow?

No. Everyone get their period at their own time. You are not chance. I got mine at 14 also. You will get hold of yours too. I felt worried and terrified and felt unnatural since I hadn't had it yet. But it come. So will yours. Don't worry.

i want to grow taller! comfort!?

I am a naturopathic doctor in CA specializing in feminine issues. Message me at [email protected].

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