marina IUD?

i had the marina iud put in 8 months ago. i get it to help near some health problems. i did okay next to it the first couple of months, but then i started have a period around every two weeks, sweeling of the hands and foot, headaches, sore breasts, severe acne, and discouraging mood swings. i talked to my gyn nearly this and she said this was middle-of-the-road and would go away after my body used to to it. to help me along beside it she also put me on birth controll pills along with the iud. i don't mull over any of this is normal, but i'm no dr. any suggestions would minister to. i also have two children.

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No, it is not normal after 8 months.IUD can colonise germs and can cause localised infection of the uterus which can spread to pelvis cause pelvic inflammatory disease.some people cannot tolerate entry is to remove iud and go on pills or condoms.using both is in recent times ignorance on the part of ur doctor and risky on ur part of the pack.take assistance

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I'm have a similar experience with the Mirena (wt gain, mood swings, fatigue, irregular bleeding) and my doctor also suggested BCP to serve balance the hormone change, but I'm waiting for my body to try to balance itself earlier I start adding more hormones. I'm taking a multivitamin everyday and forcing myself to stay alive to keep my vigour level up. In's majority to have the symptoms you hold and you should cope with it within the way you surface is appropriate whether it's taking the pills or trying to ride it out. Good Luck!

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no it isn't if you getting these side affects go wager on and get it out purely use the pill you could get the within plant

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