i read a nespaper ad that says there are drugs to help boost bust and hip size.are there side effects?
What a girl to wear on a night out?
There are side effects to any drug that claims to add on inches here and there, dampen inches anywhere and whatever adjectives too good claims they profess. They a moment ago dont talk in the region of it. If a certain drug is okay near a friend,it doesn't mean that it will be okay next to you. Better be safe than sorry.
Not possible sweetie unless they make you large or you have children.
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your hill account shrinksYou aim besides the acute deflation of your bank sketch? Honey, those potions are nothing but snake grease. And if they did work, would you REALLY want to ingest or apply a substance that would have that sort of fundamental affect on your body? Can you imagine what must evolve on a cellular level for that sort of entry to take place?
I suggest lunges for the butt, chest presses for the bust. If you must, you can try plastic surgery but unless you've have a mastectomy or have some other sort of misshapenness, I wouldn't even consider that. These are big operations.
all drugs own side effects..clay doesn't have!
Read adjectives about clay if you want to swot up about something really interesting!!
Is it okay if im bleeding when i dont own my period?
Only hormone base drugs can help you and too frequent hormones lead to cancer.How do you grasp rid of the ingrown hairs / red bumps on the bikini procession?
I don't know. But I wouldn't recommend taking them. A lot of that stuff isn't approved by the FDA. If your that worried about what you look approaching try working out. Its a lot better for you.