I have a friend who has an odor problem?

she takes bathe and douches and drinks cranberry juice and still enjoy an fish smell is there any home remidies.

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tell her give or take a few it if she is your friend. me personally wouldn't want to be the girl that hang out with the stinky girl. if yall are other together then on the sligh when you are using body spray, spray it on her. brand name it into a joke or something!


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If she's only a friend, why are you sniffing around?

Body down cant get rid!! x?

Sometimes odor problems can be a result of disorders, bacterial or otherwise. From your description of her home remedies, it sounds as if she is have a problem with her vaginal scent. This is a adjectives problem, but she may want to contact her family practitioner or gynecologist to capture advice on how to correct it, as it can be crushing and may even lead to robustness problems. With the smell of fish, it is most likely a miscalibration of the vaginal microbiota (natural bacteria) and within is a solution to her problem in a simple prescription. If she know you know, just natter to her and ask her to see her doctor. She'll be grateful.

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Absolutely sounds like a yeast infection and she can pick up an over the counter cure such as Monistat, etc. Douching or anything else will not cure this. If it doesn't clear up inside a week or less, time for the doctor.

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You're her friend & you should tell her in the past someone else does. And they may not be nice about it. She should see a doctor.it sounds close to an infection. And she needs to enjoy it taken care of. You're a pious friend to care give or take a few her. :)

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Your friend probably have the genetic condition called Trimethylaminuria, or "TMAU" for short. There is abundantly of information online about this disease. TMAU can lead to horrible body odors in those who are affected by this disease. The solitary symptom of TMAU is the odor, and people near TMAU are otherwise healthy. The body odor is not cause by a lack of personal hygiene. In certainty, a person near TMAU can smell horribly 10 minutes after they shower. The odor can resemble that of rotting fish, urine, feces, or garbage. People artificial by TMAU can also have a musty smell.

The strength of the odor cause by TMAU varies from human being to person, and may also rise and fall over time. For women, the odor typically gets worse around their period. Other factors such as stress can produce an increase in the odor. The odor is not affected by personal hygiene. The TMAU odor is cause because the person's liver does not produce an enzyme i.e. necessary to break down a nutrient found to some scope in almost adjectives foods (the nutrient choline).

There is currently no cure for TMAU.

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