waking up hungry in the middle of the night?

once in a while i will get up up hungry in the middle of the dark with my stomache hurting, but i be aware of guilty about getting up and consumption then going vertebrae to sleep, plus ive already had dinner. should i devour or just discount the hunger till morning?

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I suggest you try some camomile tea, it will soothe the hunger pains and put you back to sleep

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You could own a thyroid disorder.I did.nothing bleak just involve meds.

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have a drink of sea and go rear to bed. do this for a few days and it will become a good craving. read more on weight loss and well again eating on this site

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try drinking water to cram up or a snack a little following the you normally do merely before bed, or shift your bed time ,go following

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does diabeties run in your inherited? before i be tested for diabeties i had increased thirst,hunger and frequent urination along with the night i still take hungry during the night but i drink liquid or power drinks to ward off the hunger

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wanta know bout this also. it do surface to me sometimes..

thanks for asking

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If it's just a midnight hunger spasm, you can solve it by drinking a glass of dampen. That way you're not have to digest complex foods in your sleep, and you won't gain immensity from it. I know someone who gets up everynight at around midnight, and eat a bowl of cereal. Then she wonders why she's putting on weight. Hmm, I dunno, conceivably cuz you're eating second-hand goods at 12am? I'm 22wks pregnant and I do the exact same thing. In reality it's 3am here, I can't sleep because I was fancy hungry earlier. So I drank a chalice of water. And in a minute I'm going back to bed. =) Hope that help!!

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