If you could change one thing in your life , what would it be ?


Only for women who have miscarried?

I'm individual 17, so I don't have 2 much x-periance, but it would be that I didn't fritter away so much time when I was surrounded by Jr. Hi worrying about what adjectives the other asshole friends I had thought give or take a few me. They're all pregnant very soon and turned out 2 be sluts. sorry for the language. that truth is the truth!! glad I ditched those friends!! Basically, I'm adage that I wish I would of worried smaller number about what the world thot of me and have more fun being me and not trying to be sumbudy eltz. So, if ur reading this and ur have the same prob, remember that if they don't close to u 4 who you are, then shuck them in a minute, and have a happier vivacity! THEY AREN'T WORTH ANOTHER MOMENT OF YOUR TIME! :)

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I would never have slept next to the first person I ever slept beside.

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nothing.im only 16 but i wouldnt modification a thing.my life span hasnt been reliable but still.so far i have enjoy every moment of it.things happen its adjectives apart of life.

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I would own a better relationship with my lord savior jesus christ

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i would pick better inhabitants to live with

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If I could blink my eyes and be done next to college that would be great. If you mean regret prudent.though I feel that never regretting anything is sort of approaching being denial, I don't reckon I'd change things because of the curriculum I learned, and the individuals I met or avoided because of the overall path it have led me down. Anyway.that's my answer. What give or take a few yourself?

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I would approaching to change the place i be born.

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Being Ming Dow (183Clubs) princess in the show frog prince.

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to hold good form and a happy mariage,and adjectives the money in my ex- boyfriends checking rationalization!

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I would not have quit college and get married.

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